Saturday, July 29

i think the whole world has gotten it's britches tied in a knot about this whole napster thing and i decided to make one more comment about it.

everyone who is complaining about it sounds more like spoiled brats then people who believe their freedom of speech has been violated. well sorry it hasn't. every time you download a song, me included, you are kinda stealing.

but what price do you pay for a song? that's my only problem with it all. you can buy a 10 song cd for 16.99 then you pay 1.69 [without tax] a song. but you can buy a cd with 18 songs for 13.98 and then you'd be paying .73 cents a song. so really the record companies are retarded. [i'm going to ignore commenting all the COMPLETE cd recordings offered on the internet and such because that is just WRONG and we all know it.]

but when it all comes down to it: before napster there was the mp3 and after napster there will be the mp3 so lets all stop pouting and move on.


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