Friday, September 1

things about where i live that i did or did not miss.

i missed certain things about new york. i missed the clean air on the east end of long island. i missed the trees. i missed my animals. i missed my antique bed. i missed my family, friends and even my enemies. i missed the long walks on the beach and the deer on our 2 acre lot.

but i didn't miss the animals that fall down the chimney late at night into the wood burning stove. i didn't miss the summer traffic with bad city drivers. i didn't miss the over priced EVERYTHING. i didn't miss having to deal with my mother in the morning when i just want to drink coffee and read the paper. i didn't miss how my ferret likes to poop on the floor. i didn't miss any of that.

but it's nice to be home but don't fret california... i miss you too.

[who also thinks that SOMEONE rocks my site too much and that he's so funny i think everyone is going to boot me off? i do! heh. who also thinks that person is going to DIE on his death trap motorcycle? i do!]


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