Saturday, April 8

know what sucks more than stubbing your toe? working on a page for three hours and not saving it [because you're that stupid] and then as you go to save it an evil page shuts down your browser. the page?

some stupid get up kids lyrics page [part of the page i was working on].

see why i hate indie pop music crap? the get up kids aren't even indie pop get up kids crap. me and a certain person over at the head site decided that.

kevin! thank you for the lovely voicemail... you're a true friend heh.. :)

yes. i am depressed. boo hoo. *sigh* *sigh* *sigh*

and i've been listening to jim [ you know time in a bottle ] all day. oliver and tom are about to stab me in the heart with a spork. but that's ok.. i think i've already done that to myself.

"..if i could save time in a bottle.. the first thing that i'd like to do .. is to save every day till eternity passes away just to spend them with you. if i could make days last forever.. if words could make wishes come true.. i'd save every day like a treasure and then again i would spend them with you..."

"i've looked around enough to know that you're the one i wanna go through time with...."

argh! damn sappy songs. suck. kcus too..


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