Sunday, July 30

crazy ass commericials

i've come to the conclusion that in los angeles or perhaps just in california, the oddest commercials are HERE.

when i first moved here i was flipping through my cloudy television, no cable at all, and i was bombarded with a Crazy Gideon's commerical.

if you live here or if you've ever seen one, then you should know EXACTLY what i'm talking about. if you don't let me make a VERY long story short:

there is this guy, with some sort of eastern europe accent, jumping around selling electronics as low ass prices [i guess?] and the whole time he is SCREAMING and jumping up and down. on occasion he'll admit openly that he is fucking crazy and shout how how much he loves his audience.

the latest commericials have shown him "interacting" with the merchandise. this includes him putting on sunglasses and a walkman and dancing around. this i find to be absolutely hilarious.

but tonight i caught the creme de la creme of CRAZZZZZY Gideon: at the end of a commercial he's in a straight jacket with some large man and a girl in a short nurse's outfit.

i'm going to miss L.A. and it's crazy ass commercials and such, kinda.


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