Monday, July 24

ok i had to update a post before.. i did. yay for me.

i watched snow falling on cedars and it only enhanced my distrust of the american government. i had never heard about japanese war camps until i was studying world war II and i remember my mom teaching me so much about it. i think i was around 14 when i learned about them and i was sickened by america's actions taken during that time.

my roommate was born in a communist country and came over here when he was just a little boy [smuggled out and his parents got political asylum here] and he had to become a citizen so he has a lot of "pride" in america or whatever. a lot of people who become citizens here are proud because they know the evil of other countries that supress your freedome of speech etc. i agree we are lucky to be able to make movies about the evils of america, say mostly what we want and print what we want but i for one do not see that as a reason to make america so "great".

i watch the patriot and laugh at america's disgusting patriotism [while they ignore the fact that the freedom they were fighting for at that time was only for white men] then i watch snow falling on cedars and mourn the lack of remorse people have for what their relatives had done. putting people in camps.. taking away their posessions and then asking their men to go to war for them? god..

in america as long as you blame everything on paranoia and lack of education it's all ok... that makes me sick.

[note: i'm not trying to overlook the evils of slavery and how america was also evil to native americans but this is mostly a rant about a movie i had seen.]


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