Saturday, August 5

yay it's saturday.

saturday ritual, no joke, catch up on jerwin and some other blogs. of COURSE there are tons of political commentary everywhere [even on our non american friend's sites] why wouldn't there be? the RNC just got done.. republicans are up and about spouting some stupid g.w.bush jr. slogan "read my lips: no new taxes" oh my bad that was g.w. bush sr. sorry it's late and the two are so easily confused.

what was i talking about again. yeah that slogan. "the wait has been long, but it won't be long now." how many speech writers does it take to come up with that one? too many probably..

but i'm not going to sit here and spout the different ideas of al gore and g.w. bush. you can read the basics here. you can read all the basics and decide what future you want for your children and for yourself.

me? i want a country where my daughter can choose what she wants to do with her own body. i want a country where my son or daughter is respected by the government despite their sexual orientation. i want a country that cares about the environment and refuses to take for granted the great resources we are so quickly using and abusing. i want to grow old and know that i will be taken care of and that my country will be safe but not overly eager to defend it self due to paranoia.

i've once said [and will continue to say] i don't like my government but i love my country.

p.s. if we're all going to be so quick to pounce on gore for clinton why not pounce on ford for pardoning nixon? is it not the same thing? gore didn't support or denounce clinton.. ford, in some way, saved nixon. maybe it's not the same thing but it gives you something to chew on .... does it not?


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