Thursday, September 28

before i sleep..

i don't check my e-mail enough. i was yelling at aim and i closed it so i thought i'd read my e-mail. i was going to send an e-mail to someone who graced my computer screen last night with small words of inspiration to let him know that he had indeed inspired me and he didn't know it.

so i got an e-mail from nadia who should be on the side bar there in the IEH but she isn't but she might be soon if i get unlazy. but anyway she was all about telling me about this piece of beauty called glassblink which is as apealing to the eye as it is to the mind and that led me to this boy, who i fell in love with [not because those might be his hands on this page *i.lie*] because he likes the sound of rain and the smell of cinnamon and the color blue-grey not even gray. but blue and grey.

this of course all but distracted me from my intial thoughts of e-mail and now i sit here with the need to write an e-mail but more of a need to sleep. so i will sleep and dream of inspiration, glass, cinnamon, and the setting sun.


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