Thursday, April 13

"make me something for my webpage, so i can change it while i'm here. now that i know you have a stupid ftp client on your computer," i yawned, lifting my head up from my book where i was reading, laying stomach down on the couch.

"like what?" he asked, turning around for a second to glance at me.

"umm a graphic?" 

"ummm a graphic what?"

"umm.. a graphic please?" i sat up slowly and glanced at the clock.

"ok, sure. but what kind?" he yawned, clicking open a new photoshop document.

"whatever, go crazy.  have a wild time," i shrugged, turning the television sound up, over shadowing the pixies that blared from his computer speakers.

"do you want to check your e-mail before i go all wild and crazy working on this?"

"no," i replied bluntly.

"you sure?"

"yeah.. i don't have any anyway," i sighed.

"i'd send you e-mail but it's really pointless because you're here..."

i played with the corner of a page in my book.  it folded easily under the pressure of my fingers and i creased it and uncreased it until a wrinkled line formed across the corner of the page.

"what's wrong?" he rolled his chair towards me quickly and put his hand over mine.

"i'm an evil person."

"sometimes.. yes you are."

i glanced up at him with a frown.  his blue eyes burned into me and he smiled his straight, bright-white smile.

"i really am?"

"i wouldn't say it's evil.  you're just selfish sometimes. it's not that bad.  but still.."

"yeah i know," i muttered, closing my book shut and throwing it on the the coffee table.

he rolled back to his desk and sat there, staring at the screen. then suddenly his body seemed jolted by something and he jumped at the mouse.

"don't worry about what other people think about you, yan.  especially people who don't know you like i do."

"how come you always read my mind? it's freaky." 

"because.  we're just like that.  i read you and you read me.  we were always like that and we will always be like that."

i sat there watching his body move.  his muscles moved quickly under his bright orange shirt, making ripples in the fabric.  i could see, faintly, his toes moving in time with the music under the soft cotton
of his white socks.

blaring out of the speakers was a very familiar song and i sang the lyrics quietly to myself:

  "i'll be there today
  with a big bouquet of cactus
  i got this rig that runs on memories
  and i promise, cross my heart,
  they'll never catch us
  but if they do, just tell them it was me

  yeah i loved you all my life
  and that's how i want to end it
  the summer's almost gone
  the winter's tuning up
  yeah, the summer's gone 
  but a lot goes on forever
  and i can't forget, i can't forget
  i can't forget but I don't remember what"

he looked back at me.  we stared at each other knowningly.   we didn't have to say anything.  our minds melted together and the silence between our eyes said it much better than we could.

everything eventually changes. people grow. people move on. people do change and go out to find different and better places. but the only constant [in a music lovers life] are the lyrics to the songs. they always stay the same.

butthe meanings of the lyrics are always changing. they always take on new meanings as your life changes and evolves. but that song remained eternal for us. if i was a praying person i would pray for the meaning of that song to never change for us.

but i'm not a praying person. so i guess i'll just let fate take it's course.


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