Thursday, August 3

does the drama ever end?

i thought my day was calm. i did nothing but work out for about three hours.

then my brother calls me.

"i was arrested."


apparently my brother has road rage. he doesn't like it when people try to pass him on the right side and so when he tried to stop someone from passing him on the right side the idiot kept going and popped his tire and bent his fender on a curb. my brother didn't know that this guy is one of the hot shots in my home town and he got my brother arrested.

they never read my brother his rights or let him have a lawyer. they were going to put BAIL on my brother. my cute, sexy, stockman/video game making brother! how dare they! but then they let him out and everything is ok. life is ok again.

there are other things that happened today that i won't mention because i don't want to and well my life is such a soap opera right? i wish.. there'd only be hour intervals for the drama.. bleh.


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