Tuesday, August 1

i want to relive it one more time..

my neice called me today. she spewed forth her reservations about college, her first year in college, and the fear of losing touch with her friends.

i listend, like i always do, and i could tell by the way she said good-bye that she was feeling better.

it brought back a longing i have to be 17 again. i want to be a newbie in college and feel that beautiful anticipation in my stomach. i want to wake up late and almost miss orientation by 5 minutes because i'd spent the whole night before getting to know my roommate. i want to feel that giddy feeling while meeting new people and the great joys of coming home at 5 am and no one yelling at me.

if you've never experienced the joys and let downs of your first year at college i feel sorry for you. there is nothing more exciting then getting to come together in one spot with people who are on your level. everyone is new. everyone is getting out and growing up. you can never relive that feeling, ever. i still know what my dorm room smelled like and every time i smell ajax i'm reminded of the joys of sharing a bathroom with too many people.

but i want to relive it all.. just one more time. i wish i could.. :\


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