Tuesday, August 1

teeth aren't that important, right?

so i wake up early after going to bed last night because my computer decided to DIE on me.

i go for a run. i'm feeling engergized. i'm feeling dorky cus my shirt is 6 years old. i'm feeling OK.

then i'm biting into my lovely total cereal and i hear a crunch. i know what it is. i have this root canal that i never got finished. it's been since around march i think. i had this big ass hole in my tooth. ok so that's pretty gross but i didn't have the money to get it finished.

my tooth caved in. so i go to the dentist and he's all freaked out and it's only 8:30 am. so he rushes me into the room, puts me under and extracts my tooth.

i'm not less one tooth. i thought it was cool. my dentist yelled at me. kevin came and picked me up. he laughed with me. hey, it was kinda funny! losing a tooth at such a young, vibrant age? haha.

great start to a really great day, right? bleh!


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