Wednesday, August 9

i'm so busy.. but i love you.

i'm so busy. yes. me! i'm busy. but i love everyone. i'm so busy trying to figure out this whole protest thing. there's so much i want to say and so few days to say it all. i'm really scared of getting arrested and all that jazz. i know my uncle will get me out of it but i don't want to get out of anything just 'cus my uncle works for the government. i got my first lesson in "peaceful" protesting today. make your body limp! make your body limp! heh but really it's not that easy.

but yes.. i see all the people linking to me in their blogs but i'm way too tired to even click and read what you're saying about me.

so even if you're saying mean things i still love you. i love you for noticing me and when i get enough time i'll go read what you had to say.

i'm so busy i'm hardly on icq anymore and i'm basically never on AIM. but soon i'll be stuck in here really packing and i'll be fleeing to you guys to catch up. but for now just deal with my posting and not commenting on what you're saying.. really when i get the time i'll send out thousands of e-mails and tons of love. i mean hell i still owe people e-mail from like.. may. :\

i also just found out that someone i really wanted to hang out with when i get home is going to utah to go to college. who goes to utah?       :( but soon enough my young friends..

i'll be back to bother you more often.. i promise.. :)


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