Sunday, August 6

where is the rain?

i want it to rain. i want big fat rain drops to fall so slowly from the sky and go plip:plop on the light grey sidewalk outside my apartment. then i want to run outside in a perfect white summer dress with no bra and no underwear and dance forever in the rain. just dance and let the rain press my dress against my skin and plaster my hair to the back of my neck.

i want to feel the heat escape from the ground against my bare feet as i spin around and around and around under the dark cloudy summer sky. the smell of rain on my nostrils and the cool wetness soaking through the fabric of my clothes, plastering my dress against my body.

but this is L.A. and it hasn't rained in months. it had better rain the day after i get to new york.. or the whole world will fall apart. i promise you that.


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