Monday, August 21

save me..

every year in new york, my block has had a block party. every year since i was six, i think. back when i was six it was fun. i would spray people with water guns. sam and i would hide under the food tables and grab people's ankles. but as we got older it was a chore and every year after i turned 15 i missed it because well i'd fake sick or i'd be at school already.

but this year i get to be home just in time!! aren't i lucky?

actually in some way i want to be there. i want to go and say "hey world look at me i'm not a six year old punk grabbing ankles and spitting my water at you anymore." but still i can hear all those people going "my how old you've gotten!" and "wow you look so much like your mother don't you?"

nine days and counting till i leave... :\


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