Wednesday, August 16

sweet little lucy ricardo

i was watching i love lucy a couple of months ago. did you know that i love lucy hasn't been off the air in 50 years? that's amazing to me. not because it's a bad show but because it isn't full of sex and curse words. hell lucy and ricky never actually slept in the same bed, it was two beds pushed together and then eventually two twin beds. i mean lucy was the first woman to say pregnant on television for christ sake!

but then i was watching it for awhile. every day at 12pm it comes on FOX11 here. that's when i saw it.. that's when i noticed it. lucy and ricky had an openly violent relationship on television. it wasn't that clear i mean you really wouldn't notice it unless you watched a lot of episodes but there are little things like:

- when lucy doesn't do what ricky wants he actually puts her over his knee and spanks her.
- when lucy and ricky are in hollywood [you know for ricky and his movie or whatever] lucy messes up his contract or something. then lucy is scared that ricky is going to kill her and she has to distract him with objects to throw so he doesn't hit her.

i don't really think this makes my case but still it is totally noticable that ricky and lucy had a destructive male dominated relationship on the show. i guess it was just a little showcase of their real lives but still.. it disturbs me to no end for some reason :\


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