Monday, August 21

well i never meant to offend anyone..

i never meant to offend anyone by this post. for once in my little life i really didn't mean for anyone, on the internet, to even take that post as personal. i won't link to the people offended or it seems i offended because i don't do that. but if you're reading this and you were offended here is some clarification:

the people i was talking about are perfectly capable of living on their own. they make about 50,000 dollars a year [or more], they own nice cars and can pay their own bills. the fact is they don't want to live on their own or pay their own bills. i can live on my own and i do live on my own. i would never mean to suggest that if you can't afford to support yourself you should go live on your own just because living with your parents is wrong. also if you live with your parents in order to take care of them that is a different story.

i'm sorry if offended anyone. that wasn't my intent.

heh did i just get nice? i think so :)


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