Saturday, September 30

friday night and i don't love you.

friday nights, in the fall in a small town are worse than boring. you can go bowling [which only the hicky bubba type people do], play pool [which you only do if you want some booty] or go to the movies. me and my friends used to like sit around the wood burning stove in my living room, drink coffee and watch bad movies with hot guys in them. there were of course nights when we would go night bowling or go to the pool hall to pick up guys but we won't go into that.

but tonight it was a strange story of pizza [the best damn pizza in NY] and informing an old old old drunk boyfriend that i didn't love him.

it seems i've dated all the dilusional men or i seem to attract them. they come to the conculsion that i can't live with out them even if i haven't seen them in two years or spoken to them in months. it's true there are still boys i've dated that i want to see, talk to or be with even after not seeing or talking to them for months and even years but most of them all i can say about them is: BLAH.

perhaps i should give all the guys i meet some sort of "are you a fucked up psycho?" test. you know, just to be safe.

you think i'm kidding, but i'm not.


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