Tuesday, August 22

i think but i still suck!

i piss a lot of people off. i've come to that realization. i think it's my emotions that piss people off. i've tried, as of late, to keep my emotions off this page. i dont' know if thats a good thing or a bad thing. in a way i think it is because i can't leave myself open to be hurt, abused or ridiculed by other people. but it's a bad thing because i have no real outlet other then this page, lately. so all my emotions, feelings and pain are all bottled up inside.

i just wrote a whole e-mail to someone without punctuation. i'd like to assume that erik enjoyed it. if you'd like a lovely unpunctuated e-mail send me an e-mail first at and i will return with the highly confusing, punctuation free, e-mail sometime in the next few days.

wasn't e-mail day always wednesday? hmm.. yes. yes it was. oh well. life changes ... you move on. c'est la vie.


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