Thursday, August 3


i make new internet friends like there's no tomorrow. i feel strange because my stalker came from computer but i still try to interact with these people because i feel a need..

so tonight i told my newest little friend jason [there is no link so shut up!] that my site has been used as personal ammo from other people against me. he told me basically that sucked. he was right. it does suck.. it hurts too. it's like pouring out your heart and having some stomp on it.

so i've thought about keeping my life away from this page. i figured i'd just insert random comments and link to stupid political commentary. i'm not so secure with sharing my life that much anymore.. sure there'll be journal entries. maybe i'll turn it into a gratitude journal. i feel i need to be more thankful for things then complaining about things all the time.

but really why share with people if they're just going to stab you. yeah! stab you in the heart! [heh nicole..]


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