Thursday, August 10


today was interesting.

i got a package from my mom, who is in italy. she sent me a glass beaded necklace. the beads are made by hand and the necklaces are made by hand. it's red.. it's pretty.

i got an e-mail from my uncle at my secret e-mail address [mwahahaha!] who said in no uncertain terms should i be in any protest circles or groups or anything. he works for the government. he's a republican. he is my 5th dad [the others being my brother and my other uncles]. i don't tend to listen to him though 98.9% of the time he's right.

my niece, who is 17 [almost 18], has a boyfriend who is 22 or 23. i don't like that.

i got ditched majorly tonight. i'm pissed but then i got over it when i realized boys really suck and i like women more.


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