Thursday, August 24


i don't think there will be anymore journal entries until it's password protected. call me a bitch, call me paranoid but i don't wish or need certain people reading my innermost feelings.

granted, i share my life here but i'm not sharing my feelings that much anymore. yes that's sad and at times i feel sorry and don't feel sorry for all of you who don't get to see all of me. it's sad that it's come to the point where i can't just say how i feel and do what i want to do without it all blowing up in my face.

i also don't know what will happen to this site in 6 days, when i move. i might get someone to guest blog, but who? everyone i know already has their own page. maybe oliver or sam. i dunno. if you want to amuse the troops while i'm gone go ahead and e-mail me. if you want to write journal entries you can e-mail me too. i'm not expecting any e-mail so it's ok.

it's 2 am. my grandmother is in her bed, sad, lonely and confused. despite her age and health i can say that i know exactly how she feels.


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