Tuesday, August 22


i'm the girl you don't know. i'm the girl you'll never know. i'm the girl who just packed up all of her clothes into a bag because she's leaving in a week. i'm the girl who might scare you a little. i'm the girl who might inspire someone. i'm the girl you might long for and not know why. i'm the girl you will hate one day. i'm the girl you can't understand. i'm the girl who gets scared in the dark. i'm the girl who ran 6 miles this morning. i'm the girl who hates hip trendy people. i'm the girl who can't inspire anyone. i'm the girl who inspires confusion. i'm the girl who loves babies, dogs, cats and ferrets. i'm the girl who steals popcorn from you. i'm the girl who falls alseep on your shoulder. i'm the girl who cheats on you. i'm the girl who can't tell you how she feels. i'm the girl you insult indirectly. i'm the girl who insults you behind your back. i'm the girl who laughs in your face. i'm the girl who turns you down. i'm the girl who forgets about your e-mail. i'm the girl who gets angry at truck drivers. i'm the girl... who... ?

i like doing that. it makes me feel good.


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