Friday, October 6

dog hair on my pants.

at the place i work it's on this 'farm' of sorts. it's like an art farm, i swear. there are all these odd sculptures [and hot guys] all around us. the people who own the land do the sculptures and they're very interesting people. but they have these dogs and they're very much "hippie" dogs. they love to be petted and loved. but they always get dog hair on my pants. bleh..

today was also a sad day because one of the really hot guys who work on the "art farm" is leaving to go build boats. so i shouldn't be admiring hot guys because well i have a boyfriend but still...yeah.

can anyone also explain to me why AIM doesn't work for me anymore? it's a piece of SHIT.

when i'm done working i'm going to do something with my p.o.s website. maybe. oh and i actually gave in and bought myself a freaking cd. i haven't bought anything fo myself in forever.

oh did i mention next weekend is my birthday? yes. yes it is. don't forget to send me birthday love. [october 14th, don't forget it.]


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