Friday, October 6

you want to go where?

it seems that during the worst situations in my life my friends pop up and want to go "somewhere".

but where is "somewhere"? to my friends "somewhere" is anywhere. we'll get in the car and drive somewhere. most of the time we wind up in the pizza parlor winking at people for free pizza. it's not even like we're poor and can't pay for it. it's just nice to get free stuff for being cute.

cute not sexy. no one in this town is sexy. we are not a sexy town.

but tonight i feel like staying right HERE and not doing anything.

anyone want to join me? i've got cookies and milk. we can watch some bad made for televison teeveee and throw my ferrets on the bed over and over until they get dizzy.

i know you all want to come over. the cookies and ferrets are so exciting.



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