Sunday, October 22

is that blood on the wall?

my mother works her ass off most of the time. only around holidays and in the summer. people love what my mom does. she can make your house pretty. she can coordinate your rugs, curtains and your couch to create a perfect living environment. but when it comes to our house there is no structure what so ever.

we've never had slipcovers or curtains or even a rug that might even match each other. but i guess that's the curse of designing other people's living spaces.. your own living space looks like hell.

so i figured today would be a good day to try and make something look nice. i did some laundry. i cleaned. i scrubbed. i even hung up paintings i don't think my mother has seen in years but still no one notices. my mother just keeps talking into her phone. my brother keeps talking into his phone. my animals they just want to be let out.. they could care less if i put up nice paintings and cleaned the carpet.

i wonder if i go and slam my head against a wall would anyone notice? i really doubt it.


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