Friday, October 20

things just never change...

it was cold outside. there was really nothing exciting about taking our coffee out there into the cold and pretending my town was absolutely exciting. it isn't, at least not after the month of september. we're one of your more than swanky tourists towns. we're the kind of town that is slightly exciting on a saturday in october but more exciting on a friday in july.

so we sat across from each other at an abnormally small table pretending to be extremely interested in the coffee we held between our october frozen hands. it took about five minutes but he started the conversation i was dreading.

"are you ok?" he asked when i finally gave in and i met his eyes for a few minutes.

"i'm sick. i'm sad. no."

he nodded and continued drinking. i could hear the liquid pass through his throat, even over the low moan of elevator music that played in the background.

"do you want to talk about it?"

i glared as hard as i could but in my sick and pathetic state it just looked as if i was going to cry. his hand jolted across the table and landed on the inside of my elbow. the expression on my face softened as his hand squeezed through my coat, sweater and t-shirt. but as he pulled away the pain returned to the lines across my forehead.

before he could continue to ask me questions i was up and out of my seat. my feet moved quickly down the dark green steps to the almost empty main street of my town. i could hear him behind me, moving slowly down the stairs, zipping up his jacket.

"i'm still here," he whispered into my ear, wrapping his arm around my waist.

i nodded and we walked. he was always there. i guess it's nice to know that sometimes.. things just never change.


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