Saturday, October 7

lots of people got married today.

did i mention that? at least two couples that i do know and and three couples that i don't know got hitched today.

i'm not that old so marriage isn't the first thing on my list. but as people keep getting fucking married i think about it. one of the people i know that got married today i actually tutored when she was failing french.

now she's married and i'm living AT HOME LIKE A LOSER.

yeah i know the whole "i'm living AT HOME LIKE A LOSER." thing is going to get me some negative comments but i said that -i- feel like a loser. i never said anyone else was a loser for living at home. so don't get me started.

but i don't really think i'll ever get married. there's that whole commitment thing i don't think i know how to deal with. it's kinda like this "woah! we're a couple?" thing that comes over me at a certain point in a relationship [usually after i've cheated on the person or at least thought about cheating] and so due to that i doubt i'll ever get married.

i think i'm too much of a "hippie" to get married ...

or maybe just too much of a loser. heh.


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