Wednesday, October 25

it's e-mail..

i always forget to check my e-mail. i guess i'm not used to getting anything from anyone. well except from my boss. she'll e-mail me once and awhile... you know to tell me to get my ass to work or to not bother coming into work. little things like that. i never really get anything interesting. not that i'm asking for it.. trust me i'm not.

but tonight i checked my e-mail and i got some. i got some that wasn't someone trying to sell me porn or to tell me about something that i didn't need on it was mail.

i know it sounds so silly. but it isn't. bryan sent me e-mail. it made me cry. it was the first piece of nice e-mail that i'd gotten since after my birthday. bryan also sent me a cd for my birthday. he's one of those good people.

i've always had this idea that all the good people leave before you get to meet them. they're 5 steps ahead of you or 3 years ahead of you or even 3,000 miles away from you. but when it comes down to what do you do when one of the good people is about to leave what do you do? do you wait till they're gone.. or risk finding them just before they're about to leave?

i have to write e-mail. i'm mumbling about nothing...

"i'm not bitter anyway...
but i didn't want it to turn out this way.."


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