Friday, October 27

i'm so lonely i don't want to be with myself anymore.

one of my latest purchases, due to depression, has been the dido cd no angel. it actually has some very fitting songs that go along well with my life. i'm surprised at that. most cds i buy during fits of depression are n*sync cds or maybe even britney spears cd like cds. where they all sing about the joys of love. dido of course sings the truth about love and how much it sucks.

oh and also in my fit of depression i went and i bought a car. the sales lady looked like an old math teacher of mine. she was so nice.. i wanted to buy her car. i think i did buy the car. i think i'm picking up my car on monday. oh yeah i am. damnit.

where are you george? i miss you george. i haven't talked to you since your birthday. where are you?

"i'm no angel, but please don't think that i won't try and try.
i'm no angel, but does that mean that i can't live my life?
i'm no angel, but please don't think that i can't cry.
i'm no angel, but does that mean that i won't fly?"


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