Friday, April 28


my eyes are quiet / watching the way your shoulders move / inhaling the scent of your breeze / i am slowly absorbing the essence of your soul

your lips advance on mine/ touching / touching / kissing / caressing / singing / knowing / swallowing me whole

you make me write poetry. you have colored my dreams. you have brought this sweet, yellow, gentle light into my once dark and sad world.

i watched you tonight. i memorized how you moved. i noted how your hands slightly accentuated your words as you talked. i made a mental note of how your sweater hung from your body just right and how your eyelashes brushed your cheeks as you blinked.

i watched you and remembered it all because.. if all of this ends up being nothing i'll be able to remind myself of just how perfect [at that moment..that brief, beautiful moment] you were to me.


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