Monday, May 1

i woke up and everything was white. white walls, white blankets, white skin, white flowers. everything was white. i turned and saw he was still asleep. his eyes were closed and his mouth slightly open. i slid out of his bed quietly and tip toed to the bathroom that was also, white.

it was the kind of bathroom that reminded me of home and i stood there staring at myself in the mirror. my eyes were tired but i smiled at my reflection anyway. it had been months since i had actually done that, smile at my reflection.

i washed the sleep out of my eyes and crawled back into bed. i waited for him to wake up and just as i had given up on his tired face, his blue eyes opened.

"you're really here," a sleepy smile spread across his face.

"yes, i'm really here," i whispered, reaching for the remote to turn the news on.

"i thought i was dreaming," he laughed.

"'re not."

i slid back underneath the white down comforter and pressed my face against his chest. he smelled like fresh sheet smell and i supressed a giddy giggle. my naked legs wrapped up with his and his fingers traced lightly over my shoulders.

for hours we just layed there..smiling, touching, kissing, holding, laughing, poking... being.

it's the most amazing thing ever. to just be with someone. there was no me pulling down my shirt to hide my pale stomach or adjusting my skirt to hide my thighs. they were all there and he enjoyed them.

there are times when i wish someone was documenting my life. just so if i wake up one day to find out this was all some great dream or cruel joke.. i'd still have the memories of the good times, you know the times that smell like flowers and feel like touching a warm puppy.

like.. right... now.


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