Sunday, October 29

i want to be a tree..

i didn't remember if i had shown him the tree when i first met him over a year and a half ago. it's this tree near a pond across the street from the hokey pokey gas station that charged way too much for gas. so after we saw the really bad sequel to the blair witch project and he spent way too much time talking to my mother i took him there. to the tree.

it's not an impressive tree and it's not even a beautiful tree. it's a strong tree. when i first "met" this tree it was so close to death. it had a very large cut almost all the way around it's trunk. a few more inches and it would be tree toast. but years later it was healthy and growing bright green leaves in the spring and creating an autumn landscape in the fall. i guess i admired this tree because through all the hurricanes and bark "beatings" it's taken it's still standing.

unlike me where one "beating" and i'm down on the ground crying my eyes and and wishing my tormentor death. i can't even get up and fight unless someone makes me.

so i took him to this tree.

i don't bring anyone to this tree. only people i admire.. people who are worthy of the tree.. people who get up after the fight and want to fight again. they are willing to fight again. they still have the urge to fight and even people who want to try and help me be like that tree. people who think i have the ability to be like that tree.

he was one of those people. he deserved that tree. he was that tree.

so we walked around it and i touched the rough bark and smelled the cold air.

"it's suppose to snow tomorrow," he pointed towards the sky.

i nodded and i leaned against the tree as i watched him walk circles around me.

he was a tree and i was the mushrooms that grow at the base of the tree. mushrooms at the base of a tree are bad you know.. they suck the life out of your tree until it's nothing but mush and you have to take it down. but the mushrooms just want to be loved.. or they just need something.

i made a plan last night to evolve into a tree. not because i can but because i have to.. mushrooms don't live forever but trees.. they have the potential to.

i'd like to have some potential, one of these days.


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