Saturday, May 6

note: this following entry has a lot of pent up sexual angst in it. do not read if you dont' want to hear me talk about not having sex or something like that heh.

it was simple. we'd have a party. it would be fun. it would be the party of the year. his friends, my friends, us. us as in greg and i and them, our friends. there are always two possible situations that could occur: a perfect merge or a volitile explosion of two opposite groups of people.

i know you, my reader, are on the edge of your seat. your anticipation is probably killing you right? you're dying to know. so i'll stop holding you off with a stick and give it to you:

the only thing that was volitile and the only thing that exploded was us, at about 12 am after everyone had left. we exploded from our bellys and splattered our good two weeks of pent up agression onto the walls of his bedroom. we had learned so much about each other. so much that it came to a point that we had to fight. it was the kind of fight you have at about the three month mark. the kind where you say "hey i don't want to lose this person but i'm so fucking angry at nothing i need to yell!"

it's the kind of fight that afterwards most people wind up having sweaty, wild, make-up sex. but you only have that kind of sex when you're already had the "first sex in the relationship" sex or the normal once to three times a day sex and we had yet to partake in those.

so what do you do when there is no sex to be had and there is no love to be made? you make out like a couple of teenagers. you claw at bodies, nibble on necks and suck on lips. that's what you do when there is no nookie to be had and you do it until you can't breathe or [of course] you get way too close to tearing off your clothes.

it's so easy to forget the joy of just kissing. it's so easy to stop kissing for the sake of kissing. but i found it again and i enjoy having no other motive except to get just one more kiss.

"why can't i get .. just one kiss?"


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