Monday, May 15

dear boy,

i wonder if you read this still. i knew that every day you would come here and read my life and i loved that. you seemed so interested in what i had to say or what words would spill out from my page. sometimes when i didn't have much to say i would still post something, just for you. you didn't know that.. but i did it just so you could know what i was thinking or doing that day.

now i stare at your name on my buddylist and i know that we don't talk anymore. it's my fault and i know it. but when i'm looking for someone to talk to.. someone who isn't going to give me a biased opinion, i think of you. you always offered your ear to me, just for me to talk. but now that it isn't there.. and now that i can't talk to you or don't have the courage to talk to you.. i feel lost.

it's so weird how when someone isn't there you tend to realize how much they added, no matter how small, to your life.

i miss you. i'm sorry.

i know the words don't mean much.. but they're all i can really offer right now. i hope that you can accept them.



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