Sunday, May 14

i have no more words to say.

i cry. i think. i have no idea where i'm going to be living in a few months and i'm so scared. i am so totally scared to be so uncertain.

i have no one to talk to. everyone has some sort of biased opinion. i feel so alone.

i make sure to cry when no one is looking because it's easier that way. i smile and pray that someone will see the pain in my eyes and ask me what's wrong. i write with a twinge of pain in my words for hope that someone will read it and reach out and grab my shoulder, ask what's wrong and let me talk.

but no one has so i continue to smile and laugh. the hardest part? the laughing. it hurts more to fake a laugh then to fake a smile.. for what reason? i don't know why..

but i don't know a lot of things lately..


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