Monday, May 29

i've never been good with explaining how i feel. i've lost many a friend and lover because of that. frustration ran deep in those relationships and i would try and explain how i felt.. but it never came out right. i wish everyone i cared about could just read my mind. my life would be so much easier.

i wish i could kiss you, touch you, smell you and actually see you laugh at me when i'm a complete dork. i can't and that makes this worse. because unless you gain some supernatural ability to read my mind.. then you might never know how i feel.. what i think.. and how i work. i know that not knowing those things could lead you to forget me and i won't have that.

i.. adore you. i wonder what you're thinking.. how you feel.. where you are. i want to watch you think. i want to see you smile. i want to feel your breath against my cheek as you whisper something only meant for me to hear. i want to laugh with you. i.. want all that and more.

but i want to know you before that all happens. before i even gaze into your eyes i want to know everything i can. how pathetic it must seem that i can't trust anyone much anymore...right? but we're both in the same boat. you are just as weak as i am it seems. not weak in will but weak in heart.

life can break you in ways you never imagined.. and i feel this urge to put you back together.. but before that.. i need to know you.

will you let me?.. please.. let me..


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