Saturday, July 22

finally i shall exit the house and work on all of this later. this page actually looks better in netscape then it does in internet explorer. i never thought i would ever say that in my whole life. ever.

why does the font on this page look so odd?

aim and icq hate me today so i figured i'd do crappy things for this page cus i'm SO FUCKING BOREd. haha like i needed to actually say that though?

when i wake up in the morning.. someone try and tell me a) why i made this and b) why kevin is sleeping over? paint fumes my ass.

i like the little rows of alien men.. heh..

i'm fucking going to have to change the index fucking page now.
fuck me up the asshole. :\

i bet working on this will get my hits up haha


testies.. 1 2 3