Saturday, April 8

know what sucks more than stubbing your toe? working on a page for three hours and not saving it [because you're that stupid] and then as you go to save it an evil page shuts down your browser. the page?

some stupid get up kids lyrics page [part of the page i was working on].

see why i hate indie pop music crap? the get up kids aren't even indie pop get up kids crap. me and a certain person over at the head site decided that.

kevin! thank you for the lovely voicemail... you're a true friend heh.. :)

yes. i am depressed. boo hoo. *sigh* *sigh* *sigh*

and i've been listening to jim [ you know time in a bottle ] all day. oliver and tom are about to stab me in the heart with a spork. but that's ok.. i think i've already done that to myself.

"..if i could save time in a bottle.. the first thing that i'd like to do .. is to save every day till eternity passes away just to spend them with you. if i could make days last forever.. if words could make wishes come true.. i'd save every day like a treasure and then again i would spend them with you..."

"i've looked around enough to know that you're the one i wanna go through time with...."

argh! damn sappy songs. suck. kcus too..

i've been trying to get to here because the boy linked to me. but all i get is a stupid error. am i stupid? but apparently it's this guy [i love whois]. he looks so familiar. grr.

i'm going crazy!

Friday, April 7

note to all you special webloggers. please use the target tag in your lovely a href. everyone does it such as mr. powazek and mr.barbelith even does it. please follow suit. it makes the viewers of your page happier. or at least it will make things easier. no?

oh and to the person who e-mailed me.. yes i do hate html. i thought i said that already?

mark told me that hate is a strong word.

well mark.. i hate you too.

if you wanna know where my angst is coming from well then ask.

i hate blogger. i hate my website. i hate guys. i hate women. i hate boys. i hate girls. i hate cars. i hate bridges. i hate record stores. i hate flirting. i hate indecision. i hate gas prices. i hate the month of april. i hate california. i hate the united states. i hate bill clinton. i hate all the presidential candidates. i hate indie pop crap. i hate you. i hate ginger ale. i hate stains on my jeans. i hate paint under my finger nails. i hate writing songs. i hate music. i hate jay leno. i hate exboyfriends. i hate exbestfriends. i hate sam. i hate when jack tells me about all the women he has crushes on. i hate adorable pictures of jack. i hate watching oliver sleep. i hate when tom plays silent 'little piggy' with my feet. i hate when jack tells me not to mention someone but doesn't tell me why. i hate packing. i hate the fact that i'm going shopping for new clothes instead of going to sm to get more. i hate the color purple. i hate teenagers. i hate hip rock girls. i hate cigar bars. i hate the song on the radio right now. i hate the fact that i broke my digital camera. i hate the fact that you are reading this. i hate all the hits on my webpage. i hate hiding from my stalker. i hate being interesting. i hate making people swoon. i hate when jack doesn't e-mail me. i hate laptops. i hate when computers crash and i haven't saved anything. i hate typing. i hate palm pilots and cellphones. i hate preppy goodness. i hate the newest cd from whoever. i hate people who sleep in lines for days for cds and movies and things like the oscars. i hate .. -enter anything here- i'll probably hate it.

oh i feel better.