Saturday, September 9

pinch me, cus i'm still asleep.

so i got this cozy job doing html for 15 bucks an hour. i work for this really awesome woman who has an australian accent and with two boys that i don't think have seen many girls with breasts in awihle.

but the best part is we only meet three times a week and the rest of the days i can just work at home. talk about kick ass? very kick ass.

crystal [i'm too lazy to link] is also kick ass. she sends kick ass packages.. :)

Thursday, September 7

things that are cool

1. pesto sauce
2. seeing your friend kim on the MTV video music awards. she was one of the people that said stupid shit before they announced nominees. she was the one who talked about sticking her finger up in the air and how they block shit or something. she's come a very long way from TJ Max commercials and delia*s catalogs.
3. getting a job.
4. the fact that alex looks like eminem.
5. g-string divas on HBO
6. the fact that james king actually can be attractive, just set her next to her boyfriend kid rock.
7. having a real job.
8. lists.

Tuesday, September 5

one more thing.

if you thought i was talking about you in any post from the last 24 hours, the biggest chance is that i wasn't. but you never know i just might have been.

you make the call and hey you can always e-mail me and ask. don't be a pussy like me. :)

i'm a pussy.

i haven't been on AIM today and i haven't checked my logs because i'm afraid i pissed of a lot of people with that previous post. as i learned from sue [from that survivor thing] on the rosie show today, ranting and raving like i did in my last post is like having gas when you have to fart just fart.

i farted. it really stunk up the place.

but it felt good.

things that have been getting under my skin.

1. the fact that the blogger publish time is set to the west coast. it makes me want to rip my hair out. i don't know why it just does.
2. boys with smelly feet who insist on putting there toes in your face while you're trying to enjoy a good movie.
3. jennifer lopez and her pot smoking scene in the cell. she HAD to be half naked??
4. why people think that just because they know html makes them a "web page designer". no SORRY it makes you just like me. someone who knows html.
5. cable modems that are just plain shitty
6. people who bash other people's designs on web pages. yeah ok like you're the fucking expert.
7. morning breath
8. people who create about pages or various other pages but create images for the text instead of using real fucking text. NOT EVERYONE HAS A FUCKING CABLE MODEM OR DSL LINE.
9. people who think everyone has a big ass computer screen.
10. cats.
11. the smell of bacon in the morning and watching someone eat it.
12. people who try to teach my furby to say fuck, hell, and satan.
13. virus scanners.
14. when it's 50 degrees outside on september 5th at 9 am.
15. that tape won't stick to my fucking walls.
16. that my room is the only room that doesn't get a/c.
17. when my mom complains that she's overweight and then makes chocolate chip cookies. HELLO?? is there anybody in there?? you can't lose weight eating fucking cookie dough.
18. people who talk to me on AIM, ICQ, e-mail or the phone and don't even bother to offer a "i'm sorry that your friend died" or "i'm sorry that your grandma is going to die" and just talk about how much their life sucks and expect me to listen [the sad part is i do]. OK BUDDY! your life doesn't suck THAT MUCH unless a) you have a terminal illness b) your whole family is dead c) you're addicted to heroine or crack d) you've lost one or more limbs or e) you've just tried to kill yourself. can't anyone just listen to me for one FUCKING second? huh?
19. most people in general.
20. the color orange. i hate it so much now.

do i have more? yeah i do. but i think that list will probably get me more negative comments as it is. i think i shall go stick my head in the oven. granted it's an electric oven but hey i can hope right?


i'm still alive. the weekend didn't kill me. no you don't get details. hmph.